Our Awards
The USA Today best ice cream: Top parlors in 50 states
- USA TODAY asked local experts to name one great ice cream shop in each state and the District of Columbia. Here are their picks for a cool end-of-summer treat.
Gray's Featured on Boston Channel: Only A Tank Away Segment
Gray's Named Among Top 12 Best Places to Get Ice Cream in U.S.
Roadfood.com Gives Gray's Rave Reviews
Minnesota Public Radio's Splendid Table likes Gray's
Providence Journal features Gray's in Food section
Rhode Island Monthly Magazine
Best Ice Cream - 1990 - 2002
Best Coffee Ice Cream
Best Cabinet (Ice Cream Milkshake)
Top 50 Things We Like About Rhode Island
Hall of Fame member since 1998
Yankee Magazine
Gray's has also received numerous awards from various publications including: The Sakonnet Times, The Fall River Herald, The Providence Journal, The Boston Globe . . .
16 East Road Tiverton, RI 02878 (401) 624-4500 graysicecream@gmail.com